Today is one of those “zero” days in my life; a reset day, where we cross the event horizon that marks change. Sometimes we know it when it’s happening. Other times, we don’t.
Today I know. What I don’t know is how it turns out.
In previous posts I have sounded mild alarms, due to a shortfall of money. It’s personal and business (is there really a difference?). Tomorrow I face possible eviction unless I can pay a judgment of $10,490. I’ve been at this address for the past 11 years.
That’s just a start. I need more. However, raising that amount buys me time to raise more.
I am asking for your help. I’ve asked many already, and some have responded, but as bright as things look financially in 60-day’s time, we have been operating on “E” for too long, and now may be locked out, forced to move with what we can get out before the locks are changed.
I’d prefer to uplift and inspire, but this sucks big time.
It is almost as hard forming the words as it is being in the position, because it leads to so many assumptions about “who you are” and such. Yet, a thousand hearts touched simply giving what they can, would most likely yield exactly what is needed.
While some may get into wonderment of how this situation could have gone so out-of-hand, or into judgments that are based along the same lines, I woke up with a clarity of what I need to do that can produce the effects that I prefer, which is to continue living at this location and build the business that I started, The President Water Company.
One thing that has contributed to the buildup of my deficit is a dearth of product to sell. Well, there were reasons for this that I could not have foreseen, but have now unfolded.
Not one, but two new voices have stepped up to become part of the President Water team, both of whom have more years on the research, innovation, and product development side than I do. I will be making announcements shortly, but I will begin this “zero hour” with a sale of the products that we have available today, at discount prices.
Traveler Units $150
Normally $249. Made from molded ABS body. I have 61 units in stock. Order here.

IVG Vortex Generators $150
These are configured with standard 3/4″ threads, which make them perfect for irrigation drop lines, sprinkler heads, and anything else with these standard fittings. Order here.

GVG Vortex Generators $150
They look like the IVG units above, but have garden hose fittings. Order here.
PW1000 Vortex Generator for 1″ Line $1,200

This is the unit that would be installed on a whole home. As you can see, its flow capacity is much higher than the smaller bodied IVG models.
Irrespective of what happens tomorrow, we will be reconstituting all of our products. They work very well. We are simply going to redesign them. Order here.
PW200 Vortex Generator for 2″ Line $1,999
The PW200 weighs 20 lbs and has four times the flow capacity of the PW100.
I have one on hand. Order here.
PW800 Vortex Generator for 8″ Line $10,000
This model is for agriculture, cooling towers, and many other applications where the volume of water used is high. Email me.
We will be redesigning the entire product line for the sake of originality and to reflect the thinking of the people who will influence the future direction of President Water.
I had a conversation earlier today with one.
At these discounted prices, I have $63,000 worth of product that can be shipped out right away.
Not an easy place to be, although I have seen worse. My life has been about giving what I have, which doesn’t always work in a world where taking and protecting dominates.
I trust that there are enough in the circle of people who receive this, to bring amicable resolution.
Please place orders, or make donations (or here), and share.
I haven’t given up. On to the next plea.
I’m so sorry this is happening!! I truly wish I could help but I struggle to pay my own bills and keep my business open. Please hang in there. Sending my love!Heather
From: Thought for Food To: mtnheatherjoy@yahoo.com Sent: Thursday, June 9, 2016 4:09 PM Subject: [New post] A Day of Reckoning; A Cry for Help #yiv3104964198 a:hover {color:red;}#yiv3104964198 a {text-decoration:none;color:#0088cc;}#yiv3104964198 a.yiv3104964198primaryactionlink:link, #yiv3104964198 a.yiv3104964198primaryactionlink:visited {background-color:#2585B2;color:#fff;}#yiv3104964198 a.yiv3104964198primaryactionlink:hover, #yiv3104964198 a.yiv3104964198primaryactionlink:active {background-color:#11729E;color:#fff;}#yiv3104964198 WordPress.com | phaelosopher posted: “Today is one of those “zero” days in my life; a reset day, where we cross the event horizon that marks change. Sometimes we know it when it’s happening. Other times, we don’t.Today I know. What I don’t know is how it turns out.In previous posts I ha” | |